Introducing Culverkey: A Secure, Open-Source Chat App
February 15, 2025 • Announcement
We’re excited to share the UX design for Culverkey, our anonymous, end-to-end encrypted chat app built for privacy from the ground up.
Press Release
September 24, 2023 • Announcement
Entelecheia Rolls-Out Its New Patented Mobile App “Crosspass” For Sending Passwords and Text Notes - Peer-To-Peer and Encrypts End-To-End
Crosspass takes a unique approach by requiring that users exchange short verification codes (PINs). These codes facilitate negotiating a symmetric encryption key and authenticating the communicating parties. Lewes, Delaware, September 24, 2023, The digital age has brought about great advancements in communication. Unfortunately, it has created an environment for hackers, malware and ransomists. For many years, it was the same old encryption methods with slight variants. Along comes Entelecheia Inc. with its newly patented brilliant security App Crosspass. It no doubt sends a wake-up call throughout this industry sector.
The Crosspass App
September 1, 2023 • Announcement
Entelecheia has released a new app on the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. Crosspass is a password and secure notes sharing app for smartphones.
The Meaning of "entelecheia"
February 23, 2023 • Information
“Entelecheia” is a transliteration of the Greek word “ἐντελέχεια”, which is a combination of the Greek words enteles (complete), telos (end, purpose, completion), and echein (to have). It was coined by Aristotle to designate in metaphysics “that which realizes or makes actual what is otherwise merely potential” [Encyclopedia Britannica]. It was latinized as “entelechīa” and anglicized as “entelechy.”